Monday, December 29, 2008

2009 Align with the Divine

I watched the movie The Secret again tonight, well, most of it - me and my son Miles layed on the couch after ice skating and put on The Secret. I woke up an hour later, with the movie still playing. At least it was getting ingrained into my brain! I want my son to learn starting NOW that we create our world and our lives with what we choose to put our attention on. I told him that I don't want him to have to waste 25 years searching for this kind of information, and then another long time putting it into practice.

I want to help my son program his thinking at an early age, so that he is thinking positive thoughts, and loving himself, and knowing that he is in control of his destiny. See, I wasn't taught this at all. I was taught to look down upon myself, as a natural born sinner (Catholic guilt), and that I was not worthy to receive the blessings and riches of heaven. That only through constant repentance and confession, then through saying enough prayers and making enough sacrifices to the Lord, that maybe God would have enough pity on me and let me into the pearly gates when I die. I was never really taught that God intends our lives to be beautiful HERE and NOW. This is important.

See, I knew deep inside that there must be some other way of life going on here, and as a young man I rebelled against this old way of thought that tells you you are worthless, and a lowly creature. I knew that deep inside, we are all children of God, and what does a good parent provide for their children? Everything they need to succeed, because why? Because they love them with all their hearts, they are the next generation, and us parents want our children to have even more success than us, and to improve themselves more than we did.

I am going to expose Miles to as much of this "new" type of thought as possible. See, it's not new thought, just ancient teachings that have been held back from us for some time. Now, we will watch The Secret together, and learn how to master our thoughts, to attract whatever we desire into our lives, and to be in gratitude for the blessings which we have been given.

Peace and love,


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Finally a day to just kick back and relax, reflect

Hey all! My stomach is happy, my family is beautiful, and the winter weather is nice and chilly here in Minnesota! Wow it's been a wild year! From the northern coast of California, to the humid rolling foothills of the Ozarks in south central Missouri, to the court system of South Dakota in the badlands, all the way back home to Saint Paul, Minnesota, it's been a year of change, growth, lessons learned, and opportunities seized upon!

I have to tell you all, never give up! Keep searching and asking for that which you want most, you will certainly get it when you are ready to receive it! I have been studying and using The Secret, The Laws of Attraction, the Secret to Success, and similar material to super-charge my life into hyper-growth for 2009, and it works!

The Secret tells us that the dominant thoughts in our minds become our lives. What we think about we draw to us. I am working on eradicating every speck of negative thought from my mind, because I have seen over and over again how negative thoughts manifest into my reality. I have known for many years that I am in control of my life, yet it has taken me many years to finally get to a point where enough was enough! I knew that if I didn't start putting this knowledge into practice, that I could continue to expect more of the same old same old for the rest of my life.

I have always had a lot of big visions and dreams, and am now arming myself with the tools and actions to take my dreams and visions into reality in my life. It is a very sobering task, to actually do that which you know you are capable of doing, but have made excuses over and over again to keep yourself from achieving. I am learning that we are taught to act that way from the time we are born. We are very seldomly given the tools it takes to be extremely successful in life, on the contrary, most of us are simply taught to work hard in school and get a job.

I have known that I cannot live that life for many years, and I have walked out on every job I have ever had when I couldn't take it anymore, bosses yelling, never happy at what you do no matter how hard you work. Owners of companies getting the better end of the deal, leveraging my time and skills and life to build their dreams. No more. I ended it this year in 2008, and embarked upon a whole new journey in life.

It's a journey of self discovery, of self mastery, of money mastery, of using leverage to my benefit instead of the other way around. I am blessed to be working with some of the best in the world at what they do, and am learning at a FAST rate how to apply the skills I am developing to achieve whatever I want. The biggest lesson I have learned sounds simple, and this is what I will leave you with:


That's The Secret!



Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday nights at the Gnome Home

Love hanging with the team every monday night, what a blast! Me, Gryz, Lucky, Vern and Cecil stayed late and ate and drank, talked story and strategy to get the ball rolling bigger and bigger into 2009.

First things first: I am having a HUGE party this Friday night at Trocadero's Night Club in downtown Minneapolis. I have Illumination Fire Troupe, 5 massage therapists, and my band Mad Love coming in to do a private party to launch my new business. Eric Gryzbowski and Dani Gross, #19 & #20 income earners in my company will be there doing a live business overview, and wowing people along the way.

I am most excited to just throw an awesome party for my friends and family and new associates. This is what I love best about my new business, bringing people together, and using all my talents and skills to the best of my ability to show people a good time, and get people together.

Life is good, and I'm getting ready to go to bed, super freezing cold up here, and I'm ready to crawl into bed and warm up! peace


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Whew! What a month!

Nate here, wow it's been a wild ride lately! Fun stuff every day, my life has changed in so many ways, I am having a blast building my new business, and life will never be the same since my old buddy Lucky gave me a call Oct 7th.

I love to travel, always have. Now I'm helping other people travel, helping people make money, and building a team of positive, enthusiastic people who want to succeed in life, nice!

I had wanted to find something like this for a long time, and here I am!

I am throwing a HUGE party to celebrate the launch of the business, and to gather with friends and family for the holidays.

Dec. 19th
Trocadero's Night Club
107 3rd Ave. N
Minneapolis MN
doors open at 6pm
show starts at 8pm SHARP!

tickets & info: