It’s time to redefine our place in time while we realign the grand design
To reflect the deepest longings of our divinely created beings
We choose to open up our closets and clean out all the cobwebs
Take the cook out of the kitchen bring the light back to salvation
Wake the nations from their sleeping ways while renewing all the systems
Bringing universal freedom to every atom of the matrix
We uncover what we’ve hidden from ourselves throughout our journey
When we let go of the struggle that’s been programmed into our memory
We expand our center of being embraced in bliss with everybody
All the space that’s seemed between us will will disappear with our own wishes
So be aware of what you’re wishing you’ll always get what you envision
And then it appears into this system fully experienced by everybody
Don’t you know we’re all in this together and we don’t want any trouble
We just want to sing our hearts out we bring creation into being
Come on and use imagination and start thinking out of the bubble
It’s all dissolving into nothing so there’s nothing left to keep you
From returning to your center and remembering your passion
It’s the reason you were born here on this great big magic planet
At this very point in spacetime, you all came back here for the party
So let’s get this party started there’s no time we can be wasting
If you want to know the secret it’s just harmony forever
And the more you trust your insights you will learn to trust each other
So the higher we keep taking our collective realtime vision
From the Spirit to the astral to the mental to the planet
Bring your heart song out to sing it so the rest of us can hear it
We are waiting for each other to sing about the things we dream of
We are the makers of music, we are the dreamers of dreams
We weave the funk in every fiber to keep it groovin to the rhythm
We put the beat into our body so that we can all remember
To get down when things get funky, shake your booty to the music
Feel the value of your freedom get the future back together
Create the system with your rhythms, build the system with your rhythms
Free the system with the rhythm free the system with your rhythms….
Clap your hands get down and dig it, shake your ass you know you need it
Move your hips get up and freak it, stomp your feet you know you feel it
Clap your hands get down and dig it, shake your ass you know you need it
Move your hips get up and freak it, stomp your feet you know you feel it
Clap your hands get down and dig it, shake your ass you know you need it
Move your hips get up and freak it, stomp your feet you know you feel it
Clap your hands get down and dig it, shake your ass you know you need it
Move your hips get up and freak it, stomp your feet you know you feel it
Clap your hands get down and dig it, shake your ass you know you need it
Move your hips get up and freak it, stomp your feet you know you feel it
Clap your hands get down and dig it, shake your ass you know you need it
Move your hips get up and freak it, stomp your feet you know you feel it
Clap your hands get down and dig it, shake your ass you know you need it
Move your hips get up and freak it, stomp your feet you know you feel it
c 2008 Nate Stevens Music
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
It's been a long time since I've communicated. Things change, cycles are certain, and I continue to ride the waves. I've been imploding for such a long winter, the unraveling and revealing are slow to awaken this time around the sun. My mellow is one of observance, thought, brainstorming, and calculating outcomes. Planning stages, for what I am not even sure yet, but I know this one will be big. I dream of synchronized harmonious creative community, yet find myself outside the dream - or rather between hasn't fully faded from view, the other just about to start leaking in, slowly coming into focus.
Have had many ideas of traveling crews - bike ride/music tour across the country? Big bus caravan/electric roadshow circus?...Maybe I should put several scenarios together and let you decide where to send me? I like that idea. Hey friends, you control my destiny! I hereby allow the collective brain to tell me what it wants me to feedback....hmmmm....this could be interesting.
Live feeds from the road, frequent net surveys with several choices of route to be traveled, allowing for customized premium user suggestions/invitations along the the Choose Your Own Adventure books. Where should I go, where should I go now sweet child 'o mine?
If anyone's reading this and has any idea of what I'm talking about, give a shot out - this was an exercise to get me going again in the written word, and to start stimulating my brainstem after a long winter! Smootches,
Have had many ideas of traveling crews - bike ride/music tour across the country? Big bus caravan/electric roadshow circus?...Maybe I should put several scenarios together and let you decide where to send me? I like that idea. Hey friends, you control my destiny! I hereby allow the collective brain to tell me what it wants me to feedback....hmmmm....this could be interesting.
Live feeds from the road, frequent net surveys with several choices of route to be traveled, allowing for customized premium user suggestions/invitations along the the Choose Your Own Adventure books. Where should I go, where should I go now sweet child 'o mine?
If anyone's reading this and has any idea of what I'm talking about, give a shot out - this was an exercise to get me going again in the written word, and to start stimulating my brainstem after a long winter! Smootches,
Monday, March 16, 2009
Is World Ventures a scam?
Have you been hearing about WorldVentures and wondering if this is just some scam that has come onto the internet scene?
I'm here to tell you that no, it is quite the opposite. WorldVentures is a fast growing upstart online travel business, that specializes in providing 4 & 5-star vacations to its travel club members at below wholesale rates.
WorldVentures does this using the same bulk-buying concept commonly seen at Sam's Club or Costco, but applies it to exotic vacations.
WorldVentures is in goodstanding with the business community, unlike one of its competitors, YTB or Your Travel Business, which has had numerous problems with investigatory agencies.
WorldVentures other product is a travel booking website. I own my own travel website where I can book my own travel, and send anyone in the world to this site to book their travel, and I receive a commission for all the qualified travel that gets booked through my website. The only travel that is not qualified is domestic airfare, which leaves a massive amount of cruises, condos, hotels, rental cars, and other trips open for commissions.
Travel went UP 1 TRILLION dollars in 2008, to 8 TRILLION a year, and is expected to almost double over the next 10 years. When I learned that, I knew that travel was a good business to get going in.
The other thing that really attracted me to WorldVentures was the long term residual income opportunity. I like working with a team, and see network marketing as the best business model I have ever seen to spread the word about a product, and also to pay out those who help spread the word about the products.
I have been enjoying learning about the network marketing industry, becoming a team leader, and helping other people become successful home-based business owners.
Tonight me and one of my team members just created a new website for our team, which we named Team Rock Star. Our goal is to help everyone who joins our team become whatever they wish to become, and one of the biggest dreams is to be a ROCK STAR, so we thought that would be a great name. Now, everyone who joins our team is a WorldVentures ROCK STAR. I am dedicated to helping 100 people make over $100,000 a year in this business, and with the help of a team, that is not only possible, it is the most likely outcome of personal effort!
To learn more about joining our WorldVentures Team Rock Star, email me at, or call me at 651-235-5145. peace!
Nate Stevens
WorldVentures Leisure Travel Consultant &
Independent Representative/Business Developer
I'm here to tell you that no, it is quite the opposite. WorldVentures is a fast growing upstart online travel business, that specializes in providing 4 & 5-star vacations to its travel club members at below wholesale rates.
WorldVentures does this using the same bulk-buying concept commonly seen at Sam's Club or Costco, but applies it to exotic vacations.
WorldVentures is in goodstanding with the business community, unlike one of its competitors, YTB or Your Travel Business, which has had numerous problems with investigatory agencies.
WorldVentures other product is a travel booking website. I own my own travel website where I can book my own travel, and send anyone in the world to this site to book their travel, and I receive a commission for all the qualified travel that gets booked through my website. The only travel that is not qualified is domestic airfare, which leaves a massive amount of cruises, condos, hotels, rental cars, and other trips open for commissions.
Travel went UP 1 TRILLION dollars in 2008, to 8 TRILLION a year, and is expected to almost double over the next 10 years. When I learned that, I knew that travel was a good business to get going in.
The other thing that really attracted me to WorldVentures was the long term residual income opportunity. I like working with a team, and see network marketing as the best business model I have ever seen to spread the word about a product, and also to pay out those who help spread the word about the products.
I have been enjoying learning about the network marketing industry, becoming a team leader, and helping other people become successful home-based business owners.
Tonight me and one of my team members just created a new website for our team, which we named Team Rock Star. Our goal is to help everyone who joins our team become whatever they wish to become, and one of the biggest dreams is to be a ROCK STAR, so we thought that would be a great name. Now, everyone who joins our team is a WorldVentures ROCK STAR. I am dedicated to helping 100 people make over $100,000 a year in this business, and with the help of a team, that is not only possible, it is the most likely outcome of personal effort!
To learn more about joining our WorldVentures Team Rock Star, email me at, or call me at 651-235-5145. peace!
Nate Stevens
WorldVentures Leisure Travel Consultant &
Independent Representative/Business Developer
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Love is the new revolution
According to the Timewave Zero theory by Terence McKenna, we are fast approaching The Singularity, a point in time/space where the ingression of novelty has reached infinity. Futurist theorists and entheogenic philosophers such as Daniel Pinchbeck have written volumes about what could possible lie beyond this point in our evolution.
We seem to be evolving in exponentially shorter and shorter periods of time, almost as if time were speeding up, or as McKenna would say, we are being pulled towards the teleological attractor at the end of time.
The exponential advancement of our species can be easily understood by this series of events:
So, we have already gone through the Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the Communication Revolution, the Transportation Revolution, we are at the adolescent stage of the Internet Revolution, heading nearly Light Speed towards what I believe will be the Love Revolution.
Love transcends all space and time, it lives forever in our hearts. It is the substance of which we are made. It is the most healing vibration in existence. "Love is the only thing that can heal us all" to quote a Jane Siberry song. Love is what we all truly seek to experience, to share, to give, and to be. Love is the highest state of vibration in the universe. Love makes the world turn. Love Love Love like the Beatles sang....all you need is LOVE.
Imagine a world where "Love is all around you" (Tesla), where we have finally moved past war, hatred, anger, and all the associated symptoms that seem so pervasive in this world today. I think LOVE is doing its work to clean out all the garbage on the planet right now. I envision this revolution taking place across the world at the speed of light, love just totally lighting a fire in everyone's hearts all at once.
We are all playing a part in the Love Revolution, or the Love-o-lution as my friend Maria Mango sings about. I think it's about time we all do whatever we can to be a part of this revolution, and I hope it will be televised.
We seem to be evolving in exponentially shorter and shorter periods of time, almost as if time were speeding up, or as McKenna would say, we are being pulled towards the teleological attractor at the end of time.
The exponential advancement of our species can be easily understood by this series of events:
According to the timewave graph, great periods of novelty occurred about 4 billion years ago when Earth was formed, 65 million years ago when dinosaurs were extinct and mammals expanded, about 10,000 years ago after the end of the ice age, around late 18th century when social and scientific revolutions progressed, during the sixties, around the time of 9/11, and with coming novelty periods in November 2008, October 2010, with the novelty progressing towards the infinity on 21st December 2012.
So, we have already gone through the Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the Communication Revolution, the Transportation Revolution, we are at the adolescent stage of the Internet Revolution, heading nearly Light Speed towards what I believe will be the Love Revolution.
Love transcends all space and time, it lives forever in our hearts. It is the substance of which we are made. It is the most healing vibration in existence. "Love is the only thing that can heal us all" to quote a Jane Siberry song. Love is what we all truly seek to experience, to share, to give, and to be. Love is the highest state of vibration in the universe. Love makes the world turn. Love Love Love like the Beatles sang....all you need is LOVE.
Imagine a world where "Love is all around you" (Tesla), where we have finally moved past war, hatred, anger, and all the associated symptoms that seem so pervasive in this world today. I think LOVE is doing its work to clean out all the garbage on the planet right now. I envision this revolution taking place across the world at the speed of light, love just totally lighting a fire in everyone's hearts all at once.
We are all playing a part in the Love Revolution, or the Love-o-lution as my friend Maria Mango sings about. I think it's about time we all do whatever we can to be a part of this revolution, and I hope it will be televised.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Chat to Text on Facebook - HOT new app to make money online!!
This new facebook application called "Chat to Text" is all the rage on Facebook right now. It's an application that allows you to send friends text messages straight from their facebook pages - so even if your friends aren't online, you can chat with them. You click "Text Me" on their profile page, and send them a text through their facebook page. They can reply to you from their cell phone.
This merges your chat room on facebook with your cell phone! It's a great way to "make extra money" which is enough economic stimulus for me!!
Check out "Chat to Text" at and get going on making some extra money!!
This merges your chat room on facebook with your cell phone! It's a great way to "make extra money" which is enough economic stimulus for me!!
Check out "Chat to Text" at and get going on making some extra money!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Life continues to bless
I had an amazing night last night at the drum jam at the Twisted Groove here in Minneapolis. My friend Scotty has been hosting a bi-weekly drum circle for over 12 years at his tye-die shop, and I went out last night to play some drums, share some stories, and catch up with old friends.
I have been thinking over the past few weeks of an old friend who I thought would just love the healing benefits of Young Living Essential Oils, and I was going to call her to see if she could do lunch sometime so I could introduce her to the oils. As life has it, I have been busy, and have not gotten around to making that call. She happened to be at the drum jam last night, and the evening flowed naturally to a point at which I was able to offer some oils to her, and she loved them!
I have been reading the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, in which the major theme is that whatever we think becomes our reality. This situation that manifested last night was such a great example of the reality that whatever we think and place our energy on will manifest into our reality. The key is to not have attachment to exactly how what you desire may turn out. I was able to flow with the opportunity the universe provided for me to share the oils with this person in a situation when it was presented, and that was a blessing for me!
I have been thinking over the past few weeks of an old friend who I thought would just love the healing benefits of Young Living Essential Oils, and I was going to call her to see if she could do lunch sometime so I could introduce her to the oils. As life has it, I have been busy, and have not gotten around to making that call. She happened to be at the drum jam last night, and the evening flowed naturally to a point at which I was able to offer some oils to her, and she loved them!
I have been reading the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, in which the major theme is that whatever we think becomes our reality. This situation that manifested last night was such a great example of the reality that whatever we think and place our energy on will manifest into our reality. The key is to not have attachment to exactly how what you desire may turn out. I was able to flow with the opportunity the universe provided for me to share the oils with this person in a situation when it was presented, and that was a blessing for me!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
friends, community, fun

Had a great weekend with all my friends, 500 of us rocked downtown Minneapolis today for a Blitz weekend, and trained with Dave Watson, one of the best of the best in my company!
So many people have been asking me about Young Living essential oils, which is awesome, because I love sharing my passion for health and awareness of the benefits of pure natural products with people I care about.
Testimonials have been coming from people who I have shared the essential oils with, because they get them in their hands, use them for a few days, and WHAM!, they realize why I am so passionate about them - they work!
I have been in tip top all winter, while lots of people I know are dropping like flies all around me with colds, flus, sinus infections, etc. I just keep telling them to get some Thieves oil from me, because that's what I use to boost my immune system and keep myself germ free!
Sitting at home after a busy week, saw George Clinton on Monday night, hung out with the band, shared Young Living oils with George and the band, they loved em! Then Friday night it was off to see The Wailers, of Bob Marley and The Wailers fame. Well, at least the bass player Family Man was, he's the only dude in the band that actually played with Bob Marley. The band was good, and it's always awesome to hear Bob Marley songs, yet something in the performance felt tight, over-rehearsed, and production line. I didn't FEEL IT, ya know? Sometimes a band can play all the right notes, be super tight, and have awesome song writing, but the delivery is just missing...that special originality, personality, passion?
Anyways, it just seemed on one hand like a glorified cover band using the name The Wailers to gain publicity, when in reality only the bass player really played with Bob....the rest were mostly younger people. The stage show, or should I say lack thereof, was the other thing that didn't get me going at all. The singer just walked back and forth in a 3 foot circular radius, the band wasn't that engaging.
The George Clinton show, on the other hand, was OFF THE HOOK! Parliament Funkadelic plays the BEST live show I have ever seen, and I have seen them about a dozen times. It's hard to describe, the 20 people up on stage, the sound like a freight train of outer space galactic funk tearing through at light speed. THe low down bass that rattles your gonads, the sexy ladies of funk throwing the female vibrations into the mix, Michael Hampton and Gary Shider guitar GODS! and George, Rock n Roll Hall of Famer, Dr Funkenstein in 3D...THANKS P-FUNK!
I got to the show early and hung out by the bus until I ran into PooPoo, one of the singers, who remembered me from a few years ago when I played harmonica with them. I ended up back stage, hung out with George and the band, shared the essential oils with them , and had a blast. They are so regular and normal back stage, but turn into intergalactic funk stars on stage, and played a 3+ hour show that kicked my ass! peace
Saturday, January 10, 2009
brrrrrr! Cold week in MN
I worked all week outside of the Malt-O-Meal plant in Northfield MN installing security cameras on the cereal warehouses. What a trip! There are 3 HUGE warehouses, all full of boxed cereal that goes out all around the country on semi trailers. It boggled my mind how much cereal comes out of just that one tiny factory to the country.
It was pretty dang cold working outside all week, although Thursday it was sunny all day with no wind! more to come later...
It was pretty dang cold working outside all week, although Thursday it was sunny all day with no wind! more to come later...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Up with the sun...
So, I took a job this week (arrrggghhh) to supplement my income. Just starting out with 2 home based businesses, I am getting those off the ground and needed to line my pockets a little deeper to assist along the way. I am working with my friend Crist installing security cameras on the Malt O Meal plant here in MN. I am working outside in 0 degree weather!
I am going to work my butt off with my home based businesses this year so that I never have to set an alarm clock again, unless it's to get up and go surfing, fishing, or something I truly love to do! Don't get me wrong, I am grateful to have friends to work with, and to have an opportunity to get some $$ together quickly this week, but the cold weather and the frozen hands and the time involved are not seeming to be worth my time and effort, because once the job is done, so will the income from it.
I like the idea of getting the ball rolling on something that will eventually run itself. That I can own a business where I will eventually be insignificant to my own income is something I think everyone should investigate. I read an article a few days ago that told me there will be 10,000,000 millionaires created in the USA in the next 10 years, and I just knew that I had to be one of them! It gets so tedious getting up every day going to the same job, doing the same thing, for the same pay, with little or no raises, and a boss always making more money than you! I am done with that forever, and glad I am only working out in this cold ass weather for the next week!
I am going to work my butt off with my home based businesses this year so that I never have to set an alarm clock again, unless it's to get up and go surfing, fishing, or something I truly love to do! Don't get me wrong, I am grateful to have friends to work with, and to have an opportunity to get some $$ together quickly this week, but the cold weather and the frozen hands and the time involved are not seeming to be worth my time and effort, because once the job is done, so will the income from it.
I like the idea of getting the ball rolling on something that will eventually run itself. That I can own a business where I will eventually be insignificant to my own income is something I think everyone should investigate. I read an article a few days ago that told me there will be 10,000,000 millionaires created in the USA in the next 10 years, and I just knew that I had to be one of them! It gets so tedious getting up every day going to the same job, doing the same thing, for the same pay, with little or no raises, and a boss always making more money than you! I am done with that forever, and glad I am only working out in this cold ass weather for the next week!
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