Saturday, October 11, 2008

update on reality

The world is changing fast. Can you feel it? I have been waking up more and more to the knowing that this planet and all life and consciousness is infinite here and now. All that ever was, that is, and that ever will be is right here, right now in our unity oneness vibrational being. Time lapses and time overlaps are getting tighter and tighter together, manifestations are becoming almost instantaneous. When I bring attention to my ability of conscious co-creation, the manifestation comes closer and closer more and more quickly in space/time. The part I am still working on is being extremely clear with my desires and intentions. I will start to question something that is happening that I have asked for, wondering if it is really what I want, and it will fall through almost immediately. I think I need to learn to hold my intention for what it is I desire, and be crystal clear to Creator about that, to hold my most truthful desires and intentions clearly in my heart and mind, to erase all ideas thoughts and feelings that I do not deserve my deepest heart's desire. I am asking myself if I even really know what my deepest heart's desire is. I get a big picture vision of things like: this whole planet living peacefully, sustainably, in harmony, free of war, violence, harm to others. I desire all that is hidden and suppressed be revealed and brought to the surface. I desire all beings to know truth in their hearts. I desire all humanity to come to the realization of their infinite abundance and potential. I desire all humanity to fully realize our unity, our oneness, and our being in the Creator, our being as Creator, our being is Creator. I sometimes do not know what I desire for ME. I desire to help others achieve what it is they desire, I desire to be a vessel for the highest light reception, I desire to be in harmonic vibration with Creator, and for Creator to work through me. I desire to be love. I desire infinite abundance for the intention of funding and fueling all projects that are working with these desires.

I see that we are a huge family here on earth, not just humans, but all life forms in this system are intimately related and connected. We are all one mind, and we are all one body of this great sentient being we call home planet Gaia Earth, there is no separation. All of our DNA communicates constantly, sending out photons of light encoded with our intentions and desires. We share the same spirit, the spirit of the Creator. I desire that all beings realize this awareness of unity.

I see the barriors between us falling, I feel the spirit of the most high rising I hear the truth vibrations ringing I taste the freedom of Creator being
how good it is to give thanks and praise to the oneness of humanity
come people start praying come children start dancing
open up you mouths and sing
It is the true love bringing all the hidden meanings
to the surface to be seen and washed clean
so let us take this knowing intention grace and growing
All people are one in our being


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