Monday, September 1, 2008

a first person perspective of RNC

Hey Nate..

I thought i would pass this to you..

I just got back home from St. paul.. F'ing cops everywhere...everywhere i walked, i was told to go this way or that way, whatever... behind the excel there was a group of people getting harassed by the cops for holding signs, I watched for a few moments and kinda looked around, that is when i first saw the cameras.. a few second later the cops saw the cameras and started to yell at them to turn them guy yelled back FREE PRESS!!! another man yelled I AM A LAWYER, you are breaking the law that you are sworn to up hold...that was not what the cops wanted to hear!! they then split into 2 groups and charged the camera men, only to be stopped by the fact that the camera men were LOCAL news reporters, that stopped them in their tracks. the cops retreated and walked away, without any other words to either of the groups. the news reporters and the man who said he was a lawyer walked up to the group and had a conversation for about 10 minutes. I am not sure if this will end up on the TV, but is was kinda funny to see these cops basically walk away, defeated..

see ya tomorrow.

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