Monday, December 29, 2008

2009 Align with the Divine

I watched the movie The Secret again tonight, well, most of it - me and my son Miles layed on the couch after ice skating and put on The Secret. I woke up an hour later, with the movie still playing. At least it was getting ingrained into my brain! I want my son to learn starting NOW that we create our world and our lives with what we choose to put our attention on. I told him that I don't want him to have to waste 25 years searching for this kind of information, and then another long time putting it into practice.

I want to help my son program his thinking at an early age, so that he is thinking positive thoughts, and loving himself, and knowing that he is in control of his destiny. See, I wasn't taught this at all. I was taught to look down upon myself, as a natural born sinner (Catholic guilt), and that I was not worthy to receive the blessings and riches of heaven. That only through constant repentance and confession, then through saying enough prayers and making enough sacrifices to the Lord, that maybe God would have enough pity on me and let me into the pearly gates when I die. I was never really taught that God intends our lives to be beautiful HERE and NOW. This is important.

See, I knew deep inside that there must be some other way of life going on here, and as a young man I rebelled against this old way of thought that tells you you are worthless, and a lowly creature. I knew that deep inside, we are all children of God, and what does a good parent provide for their children? Everything they need to succeed, because why? Because they love them with all their hearts, they are the next generation, and us parents want our children to have even more success than us, and to improve themselves more than we did.

I am going to expose Miles to as much of this "new" type of thought as possible. See, it's not new thought, just ancient teachings that have been held back from us for some time. Now, we will watch The Secret together, and learn how to master our thoughts, to attract whatever we desire into our lives, and to be in gratitude for the blessings which we have been given.

Peace and love,


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Finally a day to just kick back and relax, reflect

Hey all! My stomach is happy, my family is beautiful, and the winter weather is nice and chilly here in Minnesota! Wow it's been a wild year! From the northern coast of California, to the humid rolling foothills of the Ozarks in south central Missouri, to the court system of South Dakota in the badlands, all the way back home to Saint Paul, Minnesota, it's been a year of change, growth, lessons learned, and opportunities seized upon!

I have to tell you all, never give up! Keep searching and asking for that which you want most, you will certainly get it when you are ready to receive it! I have been studying and using The Secret, The Laws of Attraction, the Secret to Success, and similar material to super-charge my life into hyper-growth for 2009, and it works!

The Secret tells us that the dominant thoughts in our minds become our lives. What we think about we draw to us. I am working on eradicating every speck of negative thought from my mind, because I have seen over and over again how negative thoughts manifest into my reality. I have known for many years that I am in control of my life, yet it has taken me many years to finally get to a point where enough was enough! I knew that if I didn't start putting this knowledge into practice, that I could continue to expect more of the same old same old for the rest of my life.

I have always had a lot of big visions and dreams, and am now arming myself with the tools and actions to take my dreams and visions into reality in my life. It is a very sobering task, to actually do that which you know you are capable of doing, but have made excuses over and over again to keep yourself from achieving. I am learning that we are taught to act that way from the time we are born. We are very seldomly given the tools it takes to be extremely successful in life, on the contrary, most of us are simply taught to work hard in school and get a job.

I have known that I cannot live that life for many years, and I have walked out on every job I have ever had when I couldn't take it anymore, bosses yelling, never happy at what you do no matter how hard you work. Owners of companies getting the better end of the deal, leveraging my time and skills and life to build their dreams. No more. I ended it this year in 2008, and embarked upon a whole new journey in life.

It's a journey of self discovery, of self mastery, of money mastery, of using leverage to my benefit instead of the other way around. I am blessed to be working with some of the best in the world at what they do, and am learning at a FAST rate how to apply the skills I am developing to achieve whatever I want. The biggest lesson I have learned sounds simple, and this is what I will leave you with:


That's The Secret!



Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday nights at the Gnome Home

Love hanging with the team every monday night, what a blast! Me, Gryz, Lucky, Vern and Cecil stayed late and ate and drank, talked story and strategy to get the ball rolling bigger and bigger into 2009.

First things first: I am having a HUGE party this Friday night at Trocadero's Night Club in downtown Minneapolis. I have Illumination Fire Troupe, 5 massage therapists, and my band Mad Love coming in to do a private party to launch my new business. Eric Gryzbowski and Dani Gross, #19 & #20 income earners in my company will be there doing a live business overview, and wowing people along the way.

I am most excited to just throw an awesome party for my friends and family and new associates. This is what I love best about my new business, bringing people together, and using all my talents and skills to the best of my ability to show people a good time, and get people together.

Life is good, and I'm getting ready to go to bed, super freezing cold up here, and I'm ready to crawl into bed and warm up! peace


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Whew! What a month!

Nate here, wow it's been a wild ride lately! Fun stuff every day, my life has changed in so many ways, I am having a blast building my new business, and life will never be the same since my old buddy Lucky gave me a call Oct 7th.

I love to travel, always have. Now I'm helping other people travel, helping people make money, and building a team of positive, enthusiastic people who want to succeed in life, nice!

I had wanted to find something like this for a long time, and here I am!

I am throwing a HUGE party to celebrate the launch of the business, and to gather with friends and family for the holidays.

Dec. 19th
Trocadero's Night Club
107 3rd Ave. N
Minneapolis MN
doors open at 6pm
show starts at 8pm SHARP!

tickets & info:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the problem: the mind solution: change it

There is nothing wrong here people. Please listen to me. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG> It's all in your mind. Our collective reality system is literally made up of language. We agree on commonly help perceptions of our meta projection based on a reality interface system called language. Our thoughts become our words become our actions become our reality. This is all there is to our world projection. When we want to see change, we need to change our mind. Solutions are never brought into the system by the same minds that created the problems.

This may seem like a lofty concept, but it is really the way our entire system operates. When enough of us put our minds together for a common purpose, we change reality. Think of building a skyscraper. The blueprints started out in the imagination of a brilliant visionary builder, then he put the sketches down on paper. Thoughts into words/symbols. These plans are then conveyed to a group of builders through seeing the blueprints then speaking of the process. Eventually, the world's tallest building now stands where once it was just imagination.

This process goes for EVERYTHING we collectively experience and call REALITY. There are no problems, only minds with uncreative ways of thinking. We have been trained so much to think inside a very narrow box, to only believe that one way works for this, one way works for that. Well, there is an infinite abundance of imaginitive ways to rethink our collective reality system.

I for one will not choose any more to put any of my effort in doom and gloom, that's all I used to hear about on the news and in the papers, and on the internet until I decided to change my mind. Now I see what does work on this planet, and all the beings in it who have also decided to change their minds. It is such a joy and relief to know I am not alone. There are many many others out there who have shut off the lies, shut off the conspiracy, and now consciously choose love and light, and to surround themselves with good news. I highly suggest you do the same, it is so worth living a life free of fear, free of conspiracies lurking around every corner, and free of the negativity that comes from being surrounded by these types of energies.



Saturday, October 18, 2008

Becoming Free - A Reminder of the Principles of Life

Becoming Free - A Reminder of the Principles of Life
Current mood: confident
Category: Life

Becoming Free - A Reminder of the Principles of Life
By Michael J. Roads

1.Life does not work through indecision. Indecision promotes blocks,confusion and stress. Make a decision and allow life to find movementthrough you. Trust yourself.

2. The 3 C's of life are Courage,Capacity and Commitment. It takes Courage and a commitment to make manyof life's decisions, and capacity to follow them through. The 3 C's ofa successful relationship are Caring, Consideration and Communication.Communication opens the door between us, consideration allows us topass through it and our ability to care for each other unites us.

3. Truth is not truth out of timing- yet it remains truth. We are the timing to recognize truth.

4.The mind recoils from the unknown, so we seek to make everything known,and, thus sage. Imagination is the key to the unknown- positive,uplifting imagination.

5. For as long as we search for Our God Self, we deny that we are it. Loving your self reveals your truth.

6.Becoming free is not changing yourself into someone you think youshould be. Becoming free is falling in love with who you are - rightnow.

7. Imagine a room of pitch dark and a room of bright lightconnected by a door. When you open the door what happens? Light floodsinto the dark room, illuminating it. Live accordingly, think thoughtsof light.

8. F E A R- False Evidence Appearing Real.

9. Anything of the past that is unresolved is unresolved now. Living NOW resolves the past.

10. Life flows from the inside out, never the reverse. Understand this and you cease to be a victim.

11. Love responds - fear reacts. Love connects - fear separates. Love uplifts - fear deflates. Love creates - fear destroys.

12.There is no such thing as a mistake - only experience. There is no suchthing as failure - only people's condemnation. There is no such thingas success - only people's approval. Let life live through you.

13.Do not get caught up in modifying your life, allow life to change YOU.Modification is a superficial exterior veneer, change is an inner shiftin consciousness.

14. Pain is a measure of your resistance to change.

15. Decide whether you want to be an onlooker of life or a participant. This is the birthplace of choice.

16. You hear with your ears - but you listen with your mind. You look with your eyes - but you see from the heart.

17.Consciousness is not contained in your body - you are the consciousnessthat contains the body. Consciousness draws to itself form throughwhich to express.

18. Your mind cannot exist in the moment. Youcannot think your way into the moment, you can only think your way outof it. This indicates that your mind/intellect cannot set you free.Only your consciousness is aware of NOW. True freedom is a state ofconsciousness.

19. We each live in our own universe, a universeof our making it is designed to support our beliefs and our focus. Ourthoughts are our focus, so observe your thoughts, focus on yourblessings, and trust. This is how you become a participant.

20. Practice seeing all life around you as an aspect of yourself. In this way you shatter the illusion of separation.

21.Your mind does now know the difference between what you do want or whatyou don't want, it only knows what you focus on. Many people focus onwhat they don't have, what they are incapable of doing and theirsicknesses.

22. If you focus on what you do have, it increases.If you focus on what you don't have, you will have even less. If youfocus on your capabilities, they grow, if you focus on your health, itimproves.

23. Your mind does not know the difference between apowerfully imagined reality and a physical happening reality. Why?Because there is no difference.

24. You only have a problem if you believe you have a problem.

25. Live these principles and you will be practicing reality. Practice reality until you overcome the illusion.

Manifesting Your Fifth Dimensional Reality

Manifesting Your Fifth Dimensional Reality
message from Archangel Michael
by Kate Spreckley

Many lightworkers today are questioning and experimenting with different manifestation tools and are learning to use the New Earth energies to manifest their hopes, dreams and wishes. Due to the latest stargate and the influx of Paradise energy, you are again learning new and exciting ways to manifest your realities. The higher consciousness of the dolphins and whales is working with you and helping you to access this higher consciousness and new energy in ways that are beneficial and helpful.

In simple terms, manifestation is taking energy from different dimensions or levels of consciousness and weaving this energy together by words, thoughts and practices. In order for you to create your manifestation you need to connect with the other energies that are working with you during this time. At present you are working with the Angelic Realms, the God and Goddess archetypes and the elemental energies.

These energies and your energies combined are extremely powerful in helping you to create and manifest your desired changes. Daily ritual is an important tool when it comes to manifestation and ritual and connecting with the different energies will help you to create you dreams.

The greatest key to effectively manifesting your dream is to believe in your own power and the power that you have to create positive, loving and abundant change in your life. Until you are able to reprogram your subconscious mind to believe, your manifestations will take longer to come into being. You have begun the process of healing and releasing and your energies now flow freely and the desired results and changes will happen faster.

One of the most important parts of manifestation comes when you have entered your heart and are living from this place of pure love and light. Once you have opened your heart centre fully the more involved you become in manifesting your desires. In living and creating from your heart centre you are better able to open the doors to your creative mind and subconscious. You begin to effectively bridge the creative right brain with the analytical left brain.

Due to your society and culture, the left brain has been dominant and generally in control. It is closely connected to the conscious mind and deals totally in reality. It is also the side of the brain that makes us feel guilty and critical of yourself and others.

The creative right brain pertains entirely to your imagination. It is artistic, visual and creative. The left and right brains need to be balanced as they help you to create and manifest in practical, imaginative and moral ways. The right side allows you to connect with the powerful belief that connects you to the different energies of the Angelic Realm, the God and Goddess Archetypes and the elementals. It is also this side of the brain that creates manifestations.

You have all worked extremely hard at eliminating old patterns and thought forms of failure, dissatisfaction and lack of belief in what cannot be seen and now it is time to connect and bridge the left and right brains so that they may work in tandem with each other to create and manifest your desires, wishes and dreams.

To create the bridge it is truly important to really think through your reasons, using your left brain, about what changes or desires you would like to manifest in your life. The energies at this time are extremely powerful and old saying "Be careful what you wish for" should really be adhered to. The human willpower is very real and powerful, but it is directed by the right brain imagination. The Universe does not consist of chance factors, but is an ordered system with correspondence in all things. Understanding this and working with these patterns will enable you to work with all the energies to create your desire, wish or dream.

The energies of the higher dimensions are there for humankind to use as a catalyst for raising consciousness. Working with these energies will bring about changes within your own environment and that of the collective consciousness. This is very obviously seen in the way that Lightworkers across the globe have managed to raise the collective consciousness as well as the consciousness of the planet itself. You have all become more aware and conscious of the realities that you are creating.
We ask only that you continue to create and manifest your New Earth with love, light and laughter! Happy manifesting!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our creators created us with an intention. In the beginning was the WORD. Our creators created us with vibration. They manifested this reality into being through their intention. "In our image and likeness, let us make them". Our creators gave us the same abilities as they themselves posessed. This means that we have consciousness, intelligence, and the ability to create with our intentions, thoughts, and words. I believe this applies to everything. There are people who want to control this creation into their own version of how they want it to be. They use their words to create mass belief systems. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Lie. Do you see? We are being used by others who have discovered and understand that the collective thoughtforms of a conscious intelligence creates a collective reality structure.

I believe that we have the ability to create whatever we desire. I believe that there are no problems on this planet, only problems in our minds. I believe that changing our minds changes our world. What is the possibility that the people that profit from oil make us believe that the oil is running out and polluting the world in order to create fear and dependence? I am examining the very core fundamentals of what we believe collectively and what we can do with that belief.

I do not subscribe to the belief that humanity is evil in nature. I believe that we are powerful beyond our wildest dreams. I believe that we can turn this world into a place where all of our dreams will become reality, and that is exactly what we are doing. The problem lies in the conflict of mass consciousness. We have been led to believe that there is not enough to go around, which has lead us to compete, and through that competition, certain groups of beings have mantained power over the masses for their own benefit. I would put out the proposition that those people do not fully understand the power of the word.

Why would anyone who understands that this world is created and maintained through our collective belief systems want us to believe that there is not enough? Is is fear? I think that we are becoming aware of this power to create, and that it is high time that we banished fear mentality from our collective thought sphere.

What if we really do have the same power as our creators? That means that we can do anything we want if we just put our minds to it. I see this proven time and time again, in the realms of the physical world, and now moving into the realms of the invisible. Quantum physicists are showing us that the world is really all about "believing is seeing".

There is no scarcity. There is no problem to fight over. There is no shortage in resources, yet there remains a shortage in creative thought. This planet and system has infinite energy as its essence. Do we really know that oil is running out? Would it be in the best interests of those who control it's supply to artificially create a scarcity mentality in order to maintain high prices around the globe? If there was no end to the oil supply, and there was no real harm in burning this fuel, there would be no ability for these owners to profit from the hoarding of this resource, it would be free for all. When oil was first discovered they couldnt give it away. Then we discovered how to hoard it and use it. Then we fought over it. Now they are telling us that it is running out, and we need to switch to something else. But the powers that be are not moving very fast in that direction.

Just some thoughts that came to me as I was about to go to sleep, however scattered they are doesnt matter to me, just needed to get them out.


nate stevens

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

gratitude and thanks

Gratitude and thanks are integral parts of creating a new outlook on life. When we give thanks, we acknowledge the Creator energy that lives inside of our being, which gives energy to that idea inside of yourself. We are like a live wire, and the Creator is like the current that runs through it. When we align our energy with the Great Source energy, we open up the channels for infinite energy to flow through.

Being in a state of gratitude and consciously working with the Creator in manifesting desires is like opening the transmission lines from a 10 Amp load to a 200 Amp load. When we directly align with Creator Source, that power flows through our being. We can align with this force in many ways. Eating healthy food allows the body to absorb beneficial nutrients which are given from God to build strong bodies and strong minds. Surrounding oneself with positive and uplifting people creates a positive energy field of support around oneself. Changing ones thought patterns from negativity to positivity opens up new channels for success to flow.

Have you ever known someone who always finds the negative in a situation? They complain, grumble, tell you 20 reasons why your idea won't work, then go on to tell you their sob story about how nobody loves them and nobody cares, and how sick they have been lately, how despressed, etc. Now let me ask you this: have you ever known anyone like I just described who was successful, wealthy, healthy, and abundant? It just isnt possible. With a poor attitude, abundance does not flow. With an attitude of gratitude, the channels are open as wide as you would like for infinite abundance to flow to you and through you.


Monday, October 13, 2008

infinite abundance

Infinite abundance is our birthright. It is the stuff we are made of. Atoms, electrons, cells, always multiplying regenerating and recreating themselves. Our individual bodies may come and go, but the life force that animates them is infinitely abundant and eternal. There are rocks on this planet that have been estimated to be over 4 billion years old, the electrons on those rocks circle their nucleus and never stop for the last 4 billion years, if that's not infinite energy from the source, what is?

Where do we come from? We come from our source. We have tried endlessly to define and understand our source. Wars have been fought over disagreements about this source, yet life remains, ever growing, changing, evolving and living. Nothing exists outside of the source of all being. We are unchanging, eternal life force creative energy in motion.

When I learned how to tap into this awareness that life is inherently abundance and infinite, that knowing has had profound changes on my outlook and attitude towards all life. I have come to a place in my spirit where I am not in judgment of anything outside of me, because it is not in my control, and I do not want to control it. I am too busy admiring the infinite abundant energy that flows through my veins and animates my senses, connecting my spirit to all that is.

I want to try to explain to all that abundance is infinite. There is no scarcity in this universe, scarcity only exists as a state of mind we have continually taught each other. We are at a time in the development in our consciousness where we realize that thought creates. When we collectively realize this power, we naturally purge all negativity from our beings. Negativity is an energy that takes energy and uses it up, doesn't create or uplift, simply takes away without giving anything in return.

When we tap infinite abundance, we come from an understanding that I am able to give more and more of my positivity to all I encounter, and when I do that, I receive in return. I receive more love, more light, more abundance, more positivity, which is life affirming energy. Life builds, lifts up, evolves, creates, multiplies. There is no shortage of energy on this planet, or in the universe. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply changes form.

There has existed for a long epoch in human history a thoughtform that has polluted our minds. Scarcity. The desire to have more than another, at the expense of another creates scarcity and death. Turn it around 180, and you have life affirming energy, creation, abundance, happiness, health.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

self activation

I have had a vision throughout the years that this entire planetary bio-mass is one big planetary space ship, and when the whole group mind becomes self aware, that will be next stage evolution, that "we" will then have the ability to transcend space/time, and continue on our group soul mission.

These times we are in I see the collective becoming aware of itself exponentially, dissolving the barriers of perceived separation that exist only in the mind...It seems we erected those barriers as an evolutionary catalyst.

My work right now is to become very clear on my mission. I keep having the desire for large amounts of money, with the intention of funding projects of sustainability, clean energy, community supported agricultural projects ( need to get humans back in contact with the plant species in a direct way, they directly hold the knowledge and experience of 4+ billion years of successful symbiotic sustainable community ) - that is one subject that has continued to speak to me.
My awakening process owes much to these plant spirits help and love and support throughout the years.

I am searching for activated beings. I find lately that conversations/small talk that lack intention feel draining to me, and that I am being more and more clear in who/what I spend my time with. I am aware that humanity has trained itself to steal energy from each other from a falsely perceived lack of self sustainability. My work is to be the fullest of my being, so that through entrainment I may be of assistance to my human family. I find more and more that simply being my self is what is required of me in this time. It helps so much to find other activated beings to converse with, it's the difference between feeling drained after an interaction, or feeling mutually uplifted. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I look forward to continued communication. Peace


fear and change

So much fear being brought up to the surface. a big movie script playing out is "martial law is being declared in the USA, we are losing our rights, the boogie man is out to get us, etc etc" THey are ramping up their propaganda machine, and all it is doing to me now is getting me to feel and see more and more of what really feels like the truth to me. I see that the soldiers/army=peace-keeping forces, isnt that what they are called? police=officer of the peace - why cant it really mean that in the highest meaning of the words? OK - so no one really wants total death and destruction, let me rephrase that, some individual egos that havent realized their oneness may have desires of self destruction they are still purging that they are projecting out onto the seemingly external reality, but the group mind soul does not want self destruction, we want conscious co-creation. So , dramas are being played out all over, and their vibration is still shaking many beings who have not locked into the vibration of knowing their divinity and walking their truth. I am working right now on locking that knowing of my oneness into place, of creating myself as a new being, free of fear, free of illusion, one with Creator and in tune with the song of my soul. I am asking for my mission to be fully revealed, as I really believe in my core essence that I have a mission to achieve/complete on this planet. Sometimes I feel like my soul being is not from this place, that I was sent here with "work" to do.

Back to a point I was trying to make about martial law and that whole scenario. I dont think that any major horrible-ness is coming or is going to happen. I do however know that great change is on the way. THings that have been in place for many cycles in order to assist humanity in their awakening are no longer serving that purpose, so they need to be cleared and cleansed in order for new creations to come forward. One job that the peace keeping forces may have in store for them is coming to the streets of America while our financial system hits bottom. THe reason is, when that kind of massive change happens, there are still many individual egos that do not know connection fully to source, and are still purging the fear vibration from their being, so they are the kind of people that are more likely to cause panic, riots, destruction of property, and various actions that are very disruptive to the rest of society that is in various stages of awakening.

I believe in my heart that most of humanity wants peace, love, understanding, harmony and abundance. One new awareness coming online is the full knowing and understanding that we are infinite, that the earth is infinitely able to supply all of our needs, desires, and wishes of material plane thought form. There is no limit to the source, and we are creatures of the source, for in the source do we have our being. So, we are the source of all we desire. We are the source of all we create. We are the source of all that is, and how could we possibly deplete ourselves of ourselves? there is no way that we can. Some of the elements of our individuated consciousness being have not shaken the fear of separation from their essences and it is up to those of us that have to shine our lights even brighter so that we can be a beacon for those who are going through various stages of "what the fuck is going on!!" type reactions. There are many of us here who are remembering very quickly what our core essence is, and that we are all united and all part of the same Creator being, and we can be aware of our other selves who may be having a tough time coming online into this new awareness.

We are purging thousands of years of habitual and trained and propagandized scarcity scripts that have been repeated over and over in an endless loop of self delusion. When we give our attention to lack, we receive lack, and that loop is about to wear out. We are on the verge and in the process of one of our most major breakthroughs as a species we have ever experienced. we are about to emerge from the cocoon of self protection we have created around our being in order to immerse ourselves in the act of transmutation, in a very real way we are about to graduate from pupa to butterfly, metaphorically speaking. We are humans about to become our full selves, what our creator had in plan for us, which is a process that we are very intimately involved with, since we are given choice as to what we would like to do with our collective co-creation. We are fully enabled by creator to freely choose to follow our destiny, and what is happening is that we are beginning to realize that the only choice that we want to make is to follow the creators intention of fully allowing the creators desires and intentions to manifest through us, within us and in our essence...and since the energy momentum of the creators original intention to be fully present in freedom within his creation (our collective Gaia spirit) is pulling creation towards creators intention at an ever increasing speed, via the laws of vibratory attraction, for the creator when realizing awareness that creator intends to be united with his creation, becomes more fully awake and aware that we are creating ourselves from within our self generated program of awakening. Creator's intention is to be fully present and fully free to create within his Creation, while allowing his Creation to be fully present to create new creation with and through the power of Creator. we are coming to the merging of the matrix with itself. We are becoming what we are, and always have been. Yet we are growing and developing and becoming new all at once.

The vibration is raising in frequency, along with the ability of higher vibrational perception. Fear, your time has come. I release you, and thank you for your stay here, you have done such a good job in pushing the evolution of our species. I thank you, honor your presence, and with all due love and respect, release you from my being, so you can be realized for what you are. You are not needed any longer in this experience, I am ready to take over with full power of awareness. I do not need to be scared into loving any more, I do not need to be scared into awakening any more. I do not have need for fear of death any longer. I am ready to take my place as conscious co-creator of this collective experience called reality. Here we are, take a deep breath, this is real, and I love it. I love you Creator, and your love reflects back to me when I look into a mirror, pure essence of intention with purpose : over-unity, the being sustains itself from within its own awakened essence. There is nothing outside of itself, for all exists within the mind of Creator. Here we go again, the fun part is just starting. Where should we take this vehicle?

update on reality

The world is changing fast. Can you feel it? I have been waking up more and more to the knowing that this planet and all life and consciousness is infinite here and now. All that ever was, that is, and that ever will be is right here, right now in our unity oneness vibrational being. Time lapses and time overlaps are getting tighter and tighter together, manifestations are becoming almost instantaneous. When I bring attention to my ability of conscious co-creation, the manifestation comes closer and closer more and more quickly in space/time. The part I am still working on is being extremely clear with my desires and intentions. I will start to question something that is happening that I have asked for, wondering if it is really what I want, and it will fall through almost immediately. I think I need to learn to hold my intention for what it is I desire, and be crystal clear to Creator about that, to hold my most truthful desires and intentions clearly in my heart and mind, to erase all ideas thoughts and feelings that I do not deserve my deepest heart's desire. I am asking myself if I even really know what my deepest heart's desire is. I get a big picture vision of things like: this whole planet living peacefully, sustainably, in harmony, free of war, violence, harm to others. I desire all that is hidden and suppressed be revealed and brought to the surface. I desire all beings to know truth in their hearts. I desire all humanity to come to the realization of their infinite abundance and potential. I desire all humanity to fully realize our unity, our oneness, and our being in the Creator, our being as Creator, our being is Creator. I sometimes do not know what I desire for ME. I desire to help others achieve what it is they desire, I desire to be a vessel for the highest light reception, I desire to be in harmonic vibration with Creator, and for Creator to work through me. I desire to be love. I desire infinite abundance for the intention of funding and fueling all projects that are working with these desires.

I see that we are a huge family here on earth, not just humans, but all life forms in this system are intimately related and connected. We are all one mind, and we are all one body of this great sentient being we call home planet Gaia Earth, there is no separation. All of our DNA communicates constantly, sending out photons of light encoded with our intentions and desires. We share the same spirit, the spirit of the Creator. I desire that all beings realize this awareness of unity.

I see the barriors between us falling, I feel the spirit of the most high rising I hear the truth vibrations ringing I taste the freedom of Creator being
how good it is to give thanks and praise to the oneness of humanity
come people start praying come children start dancing
open up you mouths and sing
It is the true love bringing all the hidden meanings
to the surface to be seen and washed clean
so let us take this knowing intention grace and growing
All people are one in our being


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bong Rips Cure Cancer


The Truth About Weed the Feds Don't Want You to Know

You read that right, my sleepy-eyed stoners. Cannabis CURES cancer.
Okay, that is a bit of propaganda wrapped up in overstatement. But
guess what? It is our turn to spread the real propaganda of ganja.
The thing that the government, religious fanatics and our parents
alike will hate the most about our propaganda is that it is full of truth.

According to "The Cannabible 3," in 1974, a study funded by the
United States Federal Government found evidence demonstrating that
Tetrahydrocannabino l, the most active cannabinoid in cannabis,
reduces growth rates of three kinds of cancer. The assholes in the
Drug Enforcement Administration office decided it might be bad for
business if the public knew this. No major media outlets reported the
story and research was halted in that area.

"What a pothead" you scoff. "Believing some pipe-dream a stoner threw
into a book about weed." Oh, ye of little faith. Still can't trust
your brethren to be intelligent on the most important issues facing the world?

Do you trust scientists working at Harvard to be intelligent? On
April 17, 2007, www.sciencedaily. com reported on Harvard researchers
delving deeper into the relationship between cannabis and cancer.
"'The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of
abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against
lung cancer,' said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of
Experimental Medicine."

Since the initial discovery in 1974, multiple international studies
have confirmed that THC can halt or reverse the growth of cancer
cells. In Germany: A study demonstrates the anti-cancerous effect of
cannabinoids in lung and cervical cancer. At the Complutense
University of Madrid Spain: One third of infected rats have their
brain tumors eliminated after treatment with synthetic THC. In Italy:
Cannabinol is shown to inhibit the growth of cancerous glioma cells,
both in vitro and in vivo. The list goes on.

Perhaps the study most worth mentioning is a secret study financed by
the U.S. government. In 1997, it was leaked to the media that the
U.S. National Toxicology Program had conducted a study worth $2
million, pointing to the fact that THC protected against malignant
tumors. This is the only other study funded by the government to
investigate the anti-cancerous properties. As with the first study,
the findings were kept away from the public eye for a few years. News
of this event came only after an inside source deliberately took the
report to the media.

Taking stock of this situation is sure to confuse and enrage. Let
Mary Jane soothe the rage as I take care of the confusion. (Mary Jane
has trouble helping with confusion. It is not her fault, she's just
too stoned to figure out how.) The situation is as follows: we are
surrounded by liars. All our short stoner lives, people have been
telling us that smoking marijuana will give us cancer. Scary lies
like "One joint is equal to 20 cigarettes" are paraded as facts. The
government, the one by the people and for the people, takes our taxes
to fund studies that may lead to the cure for cancer, then hides the
results from us.

The media chooses not to publicize these findings because then there
would be less time to terrorize us with stories of violence and
despair. Health care providers, the people supposedly fighting
diseases for the benefit of others, are not interested in learning
more about this issue. It is hard to blame them, though. How can that
juggernaut of an industry support itself when a cure for cancer could
be grown in a person's back yard?

Health care providers have to be able to pay the scientists, do the
research, discover the drug and test the pill, which has to pass the
tests set up by the feds, so they can make money. This is so the
public "knows" that when they have to buy health care to pay to see
the doctor. How else are you going to afford those little white pills
the pharmacy gives you instead of letting you know that many ailments
can be cured by changes in diet, exercise or cheaper, natural,
healthier substances, like weed?

So, does cannabis prevent or possibly even cure cancer? Pass me that
bong and we'll find out together.
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
MAP posted-by: Richard Lake


From: MAPNews owner-mapnews@
Sent: Tuesday, October 7, 2008 1:44:25 PM
Subject: MN: US CA: Edu: Column: Bong Rips Cure Cancer?

Newshawk: htm
Pubdate: Tue, 7 Oct 2008
Source: Daily Nexus (UC Santa Barbara, CA Edu)
Copyright: 2008 Daily Nexus
Contact: opinion@dailynexus. com
Details: 2729
Author: Alex Hoffman
Note: Daily Nexus drug columnist Alex Coffman is sure a sack of weed
can write his term papers and take his midterm too.

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood

WATCH: A section from Consuming Kids entitled By Any Means Necessary which examines the pervasive product placement and cross-merchandising tactics in kid’s programs.
Consuming Kids takes on the multi-billion dollar youth marketing industry and their controversial tactics. American kids now influence an estimated $700 billion in annual spending, and marketers target these kids virtually from birth with a relentless bombardment of sophisticated commercial appeals

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Trust You To Kill Me

The soul is a newly skinned hide, bloodu and gross.

Work on it with manual discipline, and the bitter tanning acid of grief.

You'll become lovely and very strong.

If you can't do this work yourself, don't worry.

You don't have to make a decision, one way or another.

The Friend, who know a lot more than you do, will bring difficulties and grief and sickness, as medicine, as happiness, as the moment when you're beaten, when you hear Checkmate, and can finally say with Hallaj's voice, I trust you to kill me.


What I take away from this post is very meaningful to me. It shows me that what we do not work through within ourselves will be brought to us through difficulties of the heart. Through people we enjoyed, trusted, loved, cared for, bonded with, and felt connected to.

I am not saying they are bad, wrong, mean, or even dysfunctional what I am saying is through the bond and love we share with others as brief as one moment in time to the extent of many lifetimes these people bring to us what it is we need to face within.

What we can not see inside us will be brought to us in the reflecting eyes of others. It is how we chose to deal with these people to decide if our lessons will be learned or not. We can chose to label them, think them evil, shun them off never to speak to again, or we can chose to realize they were merely catalysts to reach a part of ourselves we would never have know or grown through if we had never encountered them.

These people are our perfect reflections. No matter how much we despise something in them or that they have done it clearly openly reflects something in you that you are not consciously aware of.

It is kills. But would you want it any other way? For without these people in our lives no matter how harsh the pain we would not be who we are. We would not grow. We would remain the same forever trapped in sleep. Friends awaken us. Love ones awaken us. Enemies awaken us. They reflect us and we wake up.

So in that sense dear friend please stab me again for it makes me stronger and only love you more! I trust you to kill me.


David Icke on Alex Jones 10/6/08 Solutions to the New World Order - awesome interview!!!!

From: Jerry ☮Inciting Dissent☮
Date: Oct 7, 2008 4:06 AM

This is not a test.

Stop. Look around you. Ask yourself a question. What do you NEED. What do you have that you can USE for your daily needs.
What resources do you have that you can share? What things are necessary to you and your family’s survival? How do you get your water? Your food? Your nutrition?

We are living in the times of the collapse of the very foundations of the financial and economic systems that we have been trained to depend on for our survival. The people that have used this system to their advantage at the detriment of the masses are scrambling faster and faster to avoid the inevitable. The bailouts are not working. Systems that are built on unsustainable principles can no longer survive. Paper money is meaningless.

We have been using a system of trading our energy for paper that we then exchange for our daily survival needs, plus the many other things we do not need. This paper is becoming more and more worthless every day at an ever increasing rate. The monetary systems are breaking down. These are the facts, if you choose to open your eyes and look around you.

It is time to get together with your friends and family and talk about what it is we truly need for our life. Food, water, heat, clothes, medicine, nutrition, community. None of us can do it alone. We are in the times that are going to require all of our collective resources to be brought to the table. It is time to take inventory. This is not a drill, and this is not fantasy, nor is it illusion or conspiracy. This is real, and it is happening faster and faster every day. The global financial system that has allowed our global community to reach the stage we are now living in is coming to an end.

What does this mean for us? If there were no power, no running water, no food trucks delivering tons of food into our city, how would we come together and feed ourselves? How will we gather the collective resources we share, and make sure that everyone in our community is taken care of?

I propose that it is time for us to come together, all people, and start this dialogue. We are the ones who we have to get through this together with. There may be no outside forces bringing us our daily bread. The empire is falling on itself from the unsustainable weight it has accumulated. We cannot continue life as we know it for much longer. We can no longer depend on farmers thousands of miles away to grow our food. The time of Great Change is upon us.

This time calls for every person to suspend their learned ways of “more for me” and to ask themselves “what can I give?” and "what can WE create?". This is not a test. There is no room for fear to cause chaos either. We need to start implementing plans for the sustainable continuation of our communities. We need to start producing our own food.
How many greenhouses are there in the Twin Cities? How can we grow food all winter long to feed the 2,850,000 people in the Twin Cities area? How can we use our collective wisdom to begin this project?

I would like to discuss these issues with anyone who is feeling and observing the state of our present system and sees the time of transition coming closer and closer. I do not want to cause fear, panic, or chaos with these words. I want to inspire us to come together like we never have before, and make plans and start projects that will ensure a sustainable way of life from this day on. It is time to ramp it up a few notches. Does anyone else feel this way? Let’s get together and see what we are capable of.


Nate Stevens


Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty

Monday, October 6, 2008


OCTOBER 6 , 2008

The What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts are offered several times per month by viewing them here. Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering information on this website free of charge. Please make a donation.

Notify me when a energy alert is posted!

As the fall of the old world continues in earnest, varying scenarios are becoming more and more evident. If we can remember that we are smack in the middle of the end times, it can perhaps ease our minds that all is in divine and perfect order. The end times…we are in the end times…and considering this fact, I believe we are doing very well indeed.

As the transition from the old to the new continues on, we may thus find ourselves enmeshed in a little of this and a little of that. This grand process of ascension was meant to be gradual in order to create the most ease possible. So then, the more we find ourselves enmeshed in the old, the more difficult our lives can seem. And the more we find ourselves embodying the new, the easier and more effortless our lives can be.

The energies of the old are frightened now. They know at some level that they are leaving. In this way, they are becoming ever more difficult to interact with, as fighting, fear, nastiness, and an extreme effort to maintain some kind of control has the lower vibrating energies by the coattails. When those of us embodying more light begin our attempt at departing into the higher realms, our departure can be met with grasping and holding on by the old. Like a swimmer attempting to rescue someone who is drowning, the rescuer can easily be forced under and dragged down by the one who is drowning.

It is ever important now to stay out of what is falling, or we will go down with it. And when we stay out of it, we can easily find ourselves in spaces of magical synchronicities, a new unity with others, and a new reality where all our needs are always met.

We cannot bail out the old. We are in the higher vibrating energies now, and thus, there is no more energy to sustain and fuel the old. There is nothing left for it to hold onto. If we go back, we can easily get sucked under, turned inside out, thrown off balance, and become lost in a whirlwind of fearful and grasping energies. What is creating this now rapid fall is the simple fact that so many souls have now arrived on “the other side.” This joyous fact signaled the next phase resulting in the fall of the old very rapidly now….and it took nearly the entire year of 2008 to complete this latest phase.

Enough souls had to be on board…enough had to be ready to let go and leave the old behind. Those struggling to hold onto what must now depart are in a space of unpleasantness, most certainly. It is time to surrender to a new way.

And in this regard, our time is finally here. It is finally time for us to jump in…to jump in to the new…not the old. Who is in your space now? Whom do you find alongside of you? In what energetic space are you now residing?

While the old continues its’ fall, those on the other side will be forming small communities of sustainability. In my small community here in the mountains of New Mexico, we are having talks of year round community greenhouses, mutual supports in building natural and earth sustained homes, and the like. Individuals are coming together now more than ever before. Putting our passions together to form a whole is the key.

The “temperature” has not been right in all ways until now. So now, it is time to jump in. It is time to move forward, to create, to unify, and to begin some new. And in this way, we will thus be supported.

Thus, October is bringing in some very new projects for many. Our time is now. We have completed our “re-connection” (although this process has different and varying timelines for everyone), and we are now very ready to roll along with the new, as we are the ultimate creators. It is those who are bearing the most light that will hold this planet up now as never before. By staying out of the old and out of what is falling, and creating new connections and a new grid of reality, we will most assuredly find ourselves in a very new Heaven on Earth.

Re-connecting to a new us, a new us with more and different responsibilities to the spiritual evolutionary process of the planet, has then ushered in these very new projects. In this way, all is in divine and perfect order. Some manifestations of this re-connection or new space can be felt as sleeplessness (as we now need to be here, more than ever before), various muscle pain, especially in the feet (as we are now very grounded here), feelings of pressure (as there is so much to do and these energies are arriving rapidly now), and even upper back and neck pain as we open more fully and connect to our angel wings.

The key to staying centered and on the other side during the fall is to align with your creativity and passion. Staying in this space as much as possible allows for anything and everything needed to arrive for us all on its’ own. And even though it may be difficult at times to watch what is occurring now within the old, knowing that each and everyone there will have the opportunity to be where we are now, can give some comfort.

It is time to get ready with our store-fronts. These arenas of our service to others who are still on the other side will serve to sustain us while we are transitioning into a reality where money no longer exists. In hard times, there is always money available. This is an undeniable plan we created at soul levels, and thus, it will work. In this way, we will all be fine. And when we are not involved on that dimensional border with our store-fronts, we will be interacting in unity with our brothers and sisters on the other side, having fun, enjoying ourselves, and having all our needs met in an effortless way as we each contribute to our very new whole.

Do we need to live in remote areas to stay safe and secure during these times? No. In 2007, the San Diego area of southern California experienced some intense fires. There was so much community support there, so many services were offered, and so many came together, that there was actually an overabundance of help! A love and respect for one’s community is all that is required, no matter where we reside.

There will be more natural disasters, most certainly. The eastern US will experience some untimely and intense hurricanes. While I was there most recently, I continually picked up this vision of what is to come. But here is another certainty as well. One year, I saw that the US would experience nine hurricanes that year. The very next day, CNN reported that they we predicting nine hurricanes that year as well. As it turned out, we did not have even one. With so much unpredictability now, and with the ability to make change and choose differently, as we are the ultimate creators, most any scenario is possible.

We will all be right where we need to be. There can be no mistake. We were not meant to go down with the old. It is not part of the plan.

As we begin to connect very rapidly now to our new and very needed roles, the roads before us will open very clearly, and we will be united with our very new projects, very new people, and some very new ways. These are very exciting times indeed…and if we are willing to let go, the river will take us to a very new shore.

Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times...

Until next time,

Karen Evolution glyph swirl

Could You Survive Total Economic Collapse?

Could You Survive Total Economic Collapse?

Could You Survive Total Economic Collapse?
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By WriterGig

The Coming Economic Collapse

Economists at People for a Perfect Economy show without question that there is a 100% chance of worldwide economic collapse based on the current banking system in the U.S. and around the globe. Calculations and projections created during the Reagan era, and presented to his administration and those following, indicate that the system will collapse in about 2010-2015. Policies by the Federal Reserve may change that date by a few year in either direction; however, the only thing that would prevent an eventual economic collapse is a mathematically perfect economy. Even gold and silver, while good hedges against inflation and a way to preserve wealth from the ravaging effects of inflation, can not be the entire solution. In the end, only an interest-free economy is sustainable.

Surviving Economic Collapse

What could cause a total economic collapse in a country like the United States? Perhaps ....

Currency collapse. Global epidemic. Stock market crash. Government corruption. Peak oil. Terrorism. Rapid monetary deflation.

The possible catalysts for a total financial collapse of a major country, such as the United States, which could trigger total economic collapse of much of the world, are numerous. There are those I've just listed, dozens people have predicted and possibly several nobody has thought of.

Are you prepared for dealing with an economic collpase? What about an economic recession or depression?

Think of the USMC "P Rule", or in other words, proper prior planning prevents piss-poor performance. Pardon the crude language, but it gets the message accross. Prepare now, while you can.

Money As Debt: Fascinating
Debt and Economic Instability

The economy of the United States, currently based on debt and spending, is not sustainable. There is no solid backing to our money, our paper notes are not tied to solid gold. We spend and put the balance on a credit card, and the government does the same thing.

How long can our economy -- and our personal finances -- survive in the "red" of debt? I highly recommend watching the "Money as Debt" movie. It is incredibly eye-opening, and entertaining.

Inevitable collapse of the U.S. dollar
Preparing for Economic Recession

Ideally, a paid-for house, passive income streams and land to raise food would be the best preparation.

While that is not realistic for everyone, work toward that scenario as a goal. The steps you take along the way will get you into a better position than you are likely in now.

Even a few acres, tended properly, could provide adequate food for times of severe economic crisis. For example, even a few chickes will provide eggs every day, which provide a concentrated amount of nutrition and essential fats. Add some potato plants and apple trees to the mix and you're getting started.

Learn basic skills such as cutting and chopping wood, tending a garden and repairing a roof, all of which would come in handy during a survival scenario.

Build a library of informative books about animal care, nutrition, cooking from scratch and outdoors skills.
The Truth About The Economy: Total Collapse
Financial Armageddon: Protecting Your Future from Four Impending Catastrophes, Revised and Updated Edition Financial Armageddon: Protecting Your Future from Four Impending Catastrophes, Revised and Updated Edition
Price: $9.96
List Price: $16.95

Gold & Silver
Fiat Currency and Silver

Trade dollars for silver and gold bullion while the dollars still have some value.

First, however, buy neccesary tools and supplies, which will be most neccesary in times of trouble. Silver shoudl be used primarily as a tool to hold the value of your money. You can sell silver coins as you need the cash.

Cash out of the stock market before it crashes. Personally, I sold my stocks in Novemeber 2007 when it dipped below 1400. Now it's hovering around 1200; personally, I would sell before it drops to 600. Of course, it could jump back up to 1600, but only take a chance if you have the money to lose.

You can hold silver coins and bullion in an IRA or in your own possesion, depending on your needs.
How to Invest in Gold and Silver: A beginners guide to the ways of investing in precious metals for safety and profit How to Invest in Gold and Silver: A beginners guide to the ways of investing in precious metals for safety and profit
Price: $9.85
List Price: $10.95
Precious Metals Investing For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)) Precious Metals Investing For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance))
Price: $13.20
List Price: $24.99
Junior Mining Investor: 14 Natural Resource Experts Show You How to Invest Profitably in Emerging Gold, Silver, Platinum, Base Metals, and Uranium Mining and Exploration Stocks Junior Mining Investor: 14 Natural Resource Experts Show You How to Invest Profitably in Emerging Gold, Silver, Platinum, Base Metals, and Uranium Mining and Exploration Stocks
Price: $22.95
Surviving in a Bad Economy

Minimize expenses and maximize income. Of course, if everyone does this, money will be tight for a while. But you can't afford to simply spend like you used to. Prepare for possible loss of income by spending only what you must and saving the rest, or buying tools, silver and food supplies.

Work with others in your community. Barter and trade. Offer to fix someone's car in return for help with your leaky roof, or vice versa. Consider startigna small local currency, similar to the Ithace Hours concept, to trade rather than money that is hard to come by.

Find a niche that will help others weather the tough times, and make some money at the same time. Look into food production. For example, start a small-scale poultry farm, as a means to feed your own family and provide local food to others.
The Coming Economic Collapse: How You Can Thrive When Oil Costs $200 a Barrel The Coming Economic Collapse: How You Can Thrive When Oil Costs $200 a Barrel
Price: $3.87
List Price: $16.99
Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse (Lynn Sonberg Books) Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse (Lynn Sonberg Books)
Price: $16.75
List Price: $27.95

* Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak
Emergency supplies, freeze dried foods and family preparedness kits and resources.
* How to Survive Total Economic Collapse |
How to Survive Total Economic Collapse. Is total economic collapse just around the corner? As the U.S. dollar weakens and the price of goods such as oil, grain and gold rise, many fear for the economic stability of the country. So how does ...
* Ron Paul on The Inflation Tax
Inflation and how it affects us, by Congressman Ron Paul, the leading advocate for freedom in our nation's capital.
* How to Barter in an Economic Collapse |
Knowing how to barter in an economic collapse could be just an interesting concept -- or it might turn out to be a critically important skill to have. Know what to stock up on, in preparation...
* Homeland Stupidity
Read about the coming economic collapse at "Homeland Stupidity." Also, info on government gaffes, bureaucratic blunders and incumbent incompetence.
* Bullion Direct: Live On-Line Trading
Bullion Direct gold and silver trading and catalog purchase.
* Liberty Dollar
Inflation-proof your money with the Liberty Dollar and survive the dollar's demise.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Hey all, I am going to put headers in capital letters on all posts from now on in order to help sort all the info I post here. They will note what the subject is:

PROBLEM - self explanatory
SOLUTION - self explanatory
NOTE - any notes I might like to add to this blog, such as this one
ORIGINAL - original writing, comments, or thoughts from me



SOLUTION: The Venus Project

The Venus Project is a educational think tank operating out of a 25-acre Research Center located in Venus, Florida.

When one considers the enormity of the challenges facing society today, we can safely conclude that the time is long overdue for us to reexamine our values, and to reflect upon and evaluate some of the underlying issues and assumptions we have as a society. This self-analysis calls into question the very nature of what it means to be human, what it means to be a member of a "civilization," and what choices we can make today to ensure a prosperous future for all the world's people.

At present we are left with very few alternatives. The answers of yesterday are no longer relevant. Either we continue as we have been with our outmoded social customs and habits of thought, in which case our future will be threatened, or we can apply a more appropriate set of values that are relevant to an emergent society.

Experience tells us that human behavior can be modified, either toward constructive or destructive activity. This is what The Venus Project is all about - directing our technology and resources toward the positive, for the maximum benefit of people and planet and seeking out new ways of thinking and living that emphasize and celebrate the vast potential of the human spirit. We have the tools at hand to design - and build - a future that is worthy of the human potential. The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. What follows is not an attempt to predict what will be done - only what could be done. The responsibility for our future is in our hands, and depends on the decisions that we make today. The greatest resource that is available today is our own ingenuity.

While social reformers and think tanks formulate strategies that treat only superficial symptoms, without touching the basic social operation, The Venus Project approaches these problems somewhat differently. We feel we cannot eliminate these problems within the framework of the present political and monetary establishment. It would take too many years to accomplish any significant change. Most likely they would be watered down and thinned out to such an extent that the changes would be indistinguishable

The Venus Project advocates an alternative vision for a sustainable new world civilization unlike any social system that has gone before. Although this description is highly condensed, it is based upon years of study and experimental research by many, many people from many scientific disciplines.

The Venus Project proposes a fresh approach--one that is dedicated to human and environmental concerns. It is an attainable vision of a bright and better future, one that is appropriate to the times in which we live, and both practical and feasible for a positive future for all the world's people.

The Venus Project calls for a straightforward approach to the redesign of a culture, in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt, environmental degradation and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable, but totally unacceptable.

One of the basic premises of The Venus Project is that we work towards having all of the Earth's resources as the common heritage of all the world's people. Anything less will simply result in a continuation of the same catalog of problems inherent in the present system.

Throughout history, change has been slow. Successive groups of incompetent leaders have replaced those that preceded them, but the underlying social and economic problems remain because the basic value systems have gone unaltered. The problems we are faced with today cannot be solved politically or financially because they are highly technical in nature. There may not even be enough money available to pay for the required changes, but there are more than enough resources. This is why The Venus Project advocates the transition from a monetary-based society to the eventual realization of a resource-based global economy.

We realize to make the transition from our present culture, which is politically incompetent, scarcity-oriented and obsolete, to this new, more humane society will require a quantum leap in both thought and action.

An Obsolete Monetary System

The money-based system evolved centuries ago. All of the world's economic systems - socialism, communism, fascism, and even the vaunted free enterprise system - perpetuate social stratification, elitism, nationalism, and racism, primarily based on economic disparity. As long as a social system uses money or barter, people and nations will seek to maintain the economic competitive edge or, if they cannot do so by means of commerce they will by military intervention. We still utilize these same outmoded methods.

Our current monetary system is not capable of providing a high standard of living for everyone, nor can it ensure the protection of the environment because the major motive is profit. Strategies such as downsizing and toxic dumping increase the profit margin. With the advent of automation, cybernation, artificial intelligence and out sourcing, there will be an ever-increasing replacement of people by machines. As a result, fewer people will be able to purchase goods and services even though our capability to produce an abundance will continue to exist.

Our present, outmoded political and economic systems are unable to apply the real benefits of today's innovative technology to achieve the greatest good for all people, and to overcome the inequities imposed upon so many. Our technology is racing forward yet our social designs have remained relatively static. In other words cultural change has not kept pace with technological change. We now have the means to produce goods and services in abundance for everyone.

Unfortunately, today science and technology have been diverted from achieving the greatest good for reasons of self-interest and monetary gain through planned obsolescence sometimes referred to as the conscious withdrawal of efficiency. For example, the U. S. Department of Agriculture, whose function is presumed to be conducting research into ways of achieving higher crop yields per acre, actually pays farmers not to produce at full-capacity. The monetary system tends to hold back the application of these methods that we know would best serve the interests of people and the environment.

In a monetary system purchasing power is not related to our capacity to produce goods and services. For example, during a depression, there are computers and DVD's on store shelves and automobiles in car lots, but most people do not have the purchasing power to buy them. The earth is still the same place; it is just the rules of the game that are obsolete and create strife, deprivation and unnecessary human suffering.

A monetary system developed years ago as a device to control human behavior in an environment with limited resources. Today money is used to regulate the economy not for the benefit of the general populace, but for those who control the financial wealth of nations.

Resource Based Economy

All social systems, regardless of political philosophy, religious beliefs, or social customs, ultimately depend upon natural resources, i.e. clean air and water, arable land and the necessary technology and personnel to maintain a high standard of living.

Simply stated, a Resource-Based Economy utilizes existing resources rather than money and provides an equitable method of distributing these resources in the most efficient manner for the entire population. It is a system in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, credits, barter, or any other form of debt or servitude.

Earth is abundant with plentiful resources; today our practice of rationing resources through monetary methods is irrelevant and counter productive to our survival. Modern society has access to highly advanced technologies and can make available food, clothing, housing, medical care, a relevant educational system, and develop a limitless supply of renewable, non-contaminating energy such as geothermal, solar, wind, tidal, etc. It is now possible to have everyone enjoy a very high standard of living with all of the amenities that a prosperous civilization can provide. This can be accomplished through the intelligent and humane application of science and technology.

A Resource-Based Economy would make it possible to use technology to overcome scarce resources by applying renewable sources of energy, computerizing and automating manufacturing and inventory, designing safe energy-efficient cities and advanced transportation systems, providing universal health care and more relevant education, and most of all by generating a new incentive system based on human and environmental concern.

Many people believe that there is too much technology in the world today, and that technology is the major cause of our environmental pollution. This is not the case. It is the abuse and misuse of technology that should be our major concern. In a more humane civilization, instead of machines displacing people they would shorten the workday, increase the availability of goods and services, and lengthen vacation time. If we utilize new technology to raise the standard of living for all people, then the infusion of machine technology would no longer be a threat.

To better understand the meaning of a Resource Based Economy consider this: if all the money in the world were destroyed, as long as topsoil, factories, and other resources were left intact, we could build anything we choose to build and fulfill any human need. It is not money that people need; rather, it is free access to the necessities of life. In a Resource Based Economy , money would be irrelevant. All that would be required are the resources and the manufacturing and distribution of the products.

When education and resources are made available to all people without a price tag, there would be no limit to the human potential. Although this is difficult to imagine, even the wealthiest person today would be far better off in a resource based society as proposed by The Venus Project. Today the middle classes live better than kings of times past. In a Resource Based Economy everyone would live better than the wealthiest of today.

In such a society, the measure of success would be based on the fulfillment of one's individual pursuits rather than the acquisition of wealth, property and power.

The Choice Is Ours To Make

Human behavior is subject to the same laws as any other natural phenomenon. Our customs, behaviors, and values are byproducts of our culture. No one is born with greed, prejudice, bigotry, patriotism and hatred; these are all learned behavior patterns. If the environment is unaltered, similar behavior will reoccur.

Today, much of the technology needed to bring about a global Resource-Based Economy exists. If we choose to conform to the limitations of our present monetary-based economy, then it is likely that we will continue to live with its inevitable results: war, poverty, hunger, deprivation, crime, ignorance, stress, fear, and inequity. On the other hand, if we embrace the concept of a global Resource Based Economy , learn more about it, and share our understanding with our friends, this will help humanity evolve out of its present state.

The only limitations are those we impose upon ourselves. The Venus Project is neither utopian nor Orwellian, nor does it reflect the dreams of impractical idealists. Instead, it presents attainable goals requiring only the intelligent application of what we already know

Your help is needed to bring the concept of a Resource-Based Economy to world attention. What can you do?

1. Donate to our non-profit organization, Future By Design. Dedicate your efforts to build the Research Center Circular City needed to bring a Resource Based Economy to world attention. Donations are tax deductible.

2. Purchase a copy of The Best That Money Can't Buy: Beyond Politics, Poverty & War by Jacque Fresco. Purchase additional books for your family your friends, your schools, and libraries.

3. Purchase one or more Videos and share them with your friends. Show the videos at civic clubs and schools in your town.

4. Arrange speaking engagements at local libraries, radio stations, colleges and universities for The Venus Project speakers.

Homemade Solar Power

From: JamesClairLewis. com
Date: Oct 4, 2008 5:06 PM

JamesClairLewis. com
Heavenly Blue
Love for the Earth
Kindness of Strangers E_CO Member

Homemade Solar Power.
Powering Your Home with Solar

Thank you!
Very Rev CannaCan Divinorum Phalaris Ni4D. US

http://www. renewables. com

http://www. easyhomesolarpower. com
In this video this mans home is completely powered by the power of the sun which is available to us all. DIY solar power for your home is actually fairly simple. You can follow the above link and find an ebook giving instructions on how to make your own solar power system for less than $200.00 worth of materials to get started. I have found it very useful information in solar power kits and highly recommend it.


Posted by Kindness of Strangers E_CO Member


Kindness of Strangers E_CO Member usually does environmental and nutritional education work through Donate here to Kindness of Strangers a project of the 501 (c) 3 non-profit International Humanities Center



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Tel-Aviv aeroponics lab introduces Eco-Furniture Tel-Aviv aeroponics lab introduces Eco-Furniture

Tel-Aviv aeroponics lab introduces Eco-Furniture
Posted by Deepa in Environment, Featured Articles on 10 2nd, 2008 | no responses

Professors Yoav Waisel and Amram Eshel from the University of Tel-Aviv discovered, along with their collaborative research partner Plantware, a specific species of trees that when grown in air, rather than soil and water, retain a soft root structure.

The lab, conducted at the Sarah Racine Root Research Laboratory at TAU concluded that these “soft root” Ficus trees can be transferred from an aeroponic lab into a field site, and upon being grounded in soil, the roots will begin to lignify, or harden and grow thick. These conclusions were the first milestone in the eco-architecture effort. TAU now houses the first aeroponics lab fit for commercial mass production and processing of these trees.

Inspired by the increasing interest in green innovations for the consumer TAU and Plantware have jointly published a coordinated business plan to begin mass production of various arborsculpture commodities into the commercial world. Emphasizing the natural strength of these trees, they proposed a variety of eco-architectural structures that may be put on display in parks, school playgrounds, places of public congregation or even the household.

Among the proposals targeting individual consumer interest in eco-furniture were such ideas as street lamps, gates and umbrella stands. The joint companies have released ambitious proposals to manufacture children’s playgrounds or “kinder forests,” which are highlighted for their lack of pollution, resistance to natural disasters, and for embracing, rather than disrupting the natural habitat of wildlife. The most recent proposal is one for complete homes made of Ficus trees; CEO of Plantware Gordon Glazer expects the first prototypes of these long lasting homes to be ready within a decade. Eco-architects advocate that with a prospective lifespan of over 700 years, these sturdy arbor-structures are 100% rendered from Mother Nature are the future of green architecture.

Discussion questions: Do “living homes” have a shot at being the new face of LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified buildings?

Photo credit: Dr. Mitchell Joachim, Terreform 1.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Go DeFazio

Paulson = Col. Kurtz

US Sends $800 Billion In New Amero Currency To China

US Sends $800 Billion In New Amero Currency To China

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

1, 2008

A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the US Secretary of the Treasury has informed the China Development Bank that the US has shipped $800 Billion of a new currency called the Amero, which is to be based upon the merging of the economies of The United States, Mexico and Canada into what is termed as The North American Union.

The current American debt obligation to China, currently based on the US Dollar, is now estimated to be the staggering sum of $2.5 Trillion, and which this new Amero will be exchanged for $400 Billion of this debt as the current American currency is set to be devalued by 50 percent before the end of the year.

Virtually unknown to the American people is that their current leader of the US Department of Treasury, Henry M. Paulson, Jr., has been tasked by President Bush to lead the efforts to join the economies of the US, Canada and Mexico and is also the head of the North American Development Bank, the bi-national financial institution established by the United States and Mexico to further the merging of their economies, and the leader of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC), the organization created by the governments of the United States and Mexico to further the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

This is important to note as the final provisions of the NAFTA Agreement were implemented on January 1, 2008, leaving only the final merging of the economies of the US, Mexico and Canada into a North American Union to be accomplished, of which we can read:

“President Bush is pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with both Mexico and Canada. This was the hidden agenda behind the Bush administration's true open borders policy.

Secretly, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy to expand NAFTA politically, setting the stage for a North American Union designed to encompass the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. What the Bush administration truly wants is the free, unimpeded movement of people across open borders with Mexico and Canada.

President Bush intends to abrogate U.S. sovereignty to the North American Union, a new economic and political entity which the President is quietly forming, much as the European Union has formed.

It is also interesting to note that American economists have been warning about the replacing of the US Dollar with the Amero, due to pressure from China, for nearly two years, and as we can read in this December, 2006 report titled Analysts: Dollar collapse would result in 'amero', and which says:

“As WND reported earlier this week, in an unusual move, the Bush administration is sending virtually the entire economic "A-team" to visit China for a "strategic economic dialogue" in Beijing Thursday and Friday. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke are leading the delegation, along with five other cabinet-level officials, including Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez. Also in the delegation will be Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, Energy Secretary Sam Bodman, and U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab.

But Chapman doubts the trip will help the Fed to engineer a slow dollar slide.

“The Chinese are going to do what the Chinese want to do, not what we want them to do," he said. "I believe the Chinese are going to send Treasury Secretary Paulson and Fed Chairman Bernanke home packing, with little or nothing to show for the trip.

How severe will the coming dollar collapse be?

"People in the U.S. are going to be hit hard," Chapman warned. "In the severe recession we are entering now, Bush will argue that we have to form a North American Union to compete with the Euro.

"Creating the amero," Chapman explained, "will be presented to the American public as the administration's solution for dollar recovery. In the process of creating the amero, the Bush administration just abandons the dollar.

The prophetic warnings of these American economists are, indeed, coming to pass as during the month of September alone, 10 years worth of gains on US stock markets have been wiped out in their entirety and bank runs are now occurring in the United States for the first time since the days of the Great Depression leading to the failure of 13 banks, some of their largest, and the imminent failure of 117 more forecasted by the US government.

US Treasury Secretary Paulson, however, continues leading the charge attempting to force upon the American people the ‘final peg’ to their own demise by completely bankrupting the United States leaving no other choice but to completely discard the almost totally worthless US Dollar and its replacement with the Amero.

It goes without saying that the American people will greatly resist the replacement of their Dollar, but this cannot be said when tens of millions of them are without jobs and their life savings have become worthless leaving them with no other choice but accept what their own leaders have planned for them all along.

To this growing crisis currently battering the US, and its destruction of the entire Western Economy, Russian Military Analysts state in their reports that the establishment of a North American Union is by no means a foregone conclusion as aligned against it are the combined, and powerful, forces of the United States Military establishment and the State of Israel, both of whom see their demise should this planned merger occur.

This is important to note because both the US Military and Israel are proponents of what is termed as ‘Disaster Capitalism’ which advocates the seemingly contradictory view that ‘shocks’ and ‘crashes’ to populations and economies are quickly followed by long periods of sustained growth and stability.

The phenomena of Disaster Capitalism was first observed during the 2007 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where this ‘puzzling trend’ was discussed and debated at great length, but which none of the participates could dispute after the full reports of the effects of September 11, 2001, in the United States, and other such catastrophic disasters, were fully analyzed.

To the growing Western adherence to the new ideology of Disaster Capitalism, and its dangers, we are further warned by the eminent writer Naomi Klein in her seminal work “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise Of Disaster Capitalism”, and where she states:

“The creeping expansion of the disaster capitalism complex into media may prove to be a new kind of corporate synergy, one building on the vertical integration so popular in the nineties. It certainly makes sound business sense. The more panicked our societies become, convinced that there are terrorists lurking in every mosque, the higher the news ratings soar, the more biometric IDs and liquid-explosives-detection devices the complex sells, and the more high-tech fences it builds.

If the dream of the open, borderless “small planet” was the ticket to profits in the nineties, the nightmare of the menacing, fortressed Western continents, under siege from jihadists and illegal immigrants, palys the same role in the new millennium.

The only prospect that threatens the booming disaster economy on which so much wealth depends-from weapons to oil to engineering to surveillance to patented drugs-is the possibility of achieving some measure of climatic stability and geopolitical peace.

To which of these powerful forces, North American Union or Disaster Capitalism, the American people will ultimately be forced into choosing it is not in our knowing. But, what is in our knowing is that these Americans are woefully ill equipped, on every level imaginable, to either fully understand, or know how to survive, the horrific future being planned for them.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico

www. whatdoesitmean. com/index1148. htm