Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's been a long time since I've communicated. Things change, cycles are certain, and I continue to ride the waves. I've been imploding for such a long winter, the unraveling and revealing are slow to awaken this time around the sun. My mellow is one of observance, thought, brainstorming, and calculating outcomes. Planning stages, for what I am not even sure yet, but I know this one will be big. I dream of synchronized harmonious creative community, yet find myself outside the dream - or rather between hasn't fully faded from view, the other just about to start leaking in, slowly coming into focus.

Have had many ideas of traveling crews - bike ride/music tour across the country? Big bus caravan/electric roadshow circus?...Maybe I should put several scenarios together and let you decide where to send me? I like that idea. Hey friends, you control my destiny! I hereby allow the collective brain to tell me what it wants me to feedback....hmmmm....this could be interesting.

Live feeds from the road, frequent net surveys with several choices of route to be traveled, allowing for customized premium user suggestions/invitations along the the Choose Your Own Adventure books. Where should I go, where should I go now sweet child 'o mine?

If anyone's reading this and has any idea of what I'm talking about, give a shot out - this was an exercise to get me going again in the written word, and to start stimulating my brainstem after a long winter! Smootches,


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