Thursday, January 8, 2009

Up with the sun...

So, I took a job this week (arrrggghhh) to supplement my income. Just starting out with 2 home based businesses, I am getting those off the ground and needed to line my pockets a little deeper to assist along the way. I am working with my friend Crist installing security cameras on the Malt O Meal plant here in MN. I am working outside in 0 degree weather!

I am going to work my butt off with my home based businesses this year so that I never have to set an alarm clock again, unless it's to get up and go surfing, fishing, or something I truly love to do! Don't get me wrong, I am grateful to have friends to work with, and to have an opportunity to get some $$ together quickly this week, but the cold weather and the frozen hands and the time involved are not seeming to be worth my time and effort, because once the job is done, so will the income from it.

I like the idea of getting the ball rolling on something that will eventually run itself. That I can own a business where I will eventually be insignificant to my own income is something I think everyone should investigate. I read an article a few days ago that told me there will be 10,000,000 millionaires created in the USA in the next 10 years, and I just knew that I had to be one of them! It gets so tedious getting up every day going to the same job, doing the same thing, for the same pay, with little or no raises, and a boss always making more money than you! I am done with that forever, and glad I am only working out in this cold ass weather for the next week!


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