Monday, December 29, 2008

2009 Align with the Divine

I watched the movie The Secret again tonight, well, most of it - me and my son Miles layed on the couch after ice skating and put on The Secret. I woke up an hour later, with the movie still playing. At least it was getting ingrained into my brain! I want my son to learn starting NOW that we create our world and our lives with what we choose to put our attention on. I told him that I don't want him to have to waste 25 years searching for this kind of information, and then another long time putting it into practice.

I want to help my son program his thinking at an early age, so that he is thinking positive thoughts, and loving himself, and knowing that he is in control of his destiny. See, I wasn't taught this at all. I was taught to look down upon myself, as a natural born sinner (Catholic guilt), and that I was not worthy to receive the blessings and riches of heaven. That only through constant repentance and confession, then through saying enough prayers and making enough sacrifices to the Lord, that maybe God would have enough pity on me and let me into the pearly gates when I die. I was never really taught that God intends our lives to be beautiful HERE and NOW. This is important.

See, I knew deep inside that there must be some other way of life going on here, and as a young man I rebelled against this old way of thought that tells you you are worthless, and a lowly creature. I knew that deep inside, we are all children of God, and what does a good parent provide for their children? Everything they need to succeed, because why? Because they love them with all their hearts, they are the next generation, and us parents want our children to have even more success than us, and to improve themselves more than we did.

I am going to expose Miles to as much of this "new" type of thought as possible. See, it's not new thought, just ancient teachings that have been held back from us for some time. Now, we will watch The Secret together, and learn how to master our thoughts, to attract whatever we desire into our lives, and to be in gratitude for the blessings which we have been given.

Peace and love,


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