Monday, October 13, 2008

infinite abundance

Infinite abundance is our birthright. It is the stuff we are made of. Atoms, electrons, cells, always multiplying regenerating and recreating themselves. Our individual bodies may come and go, but the life force that animates them is infinitely abundant and eternal. There are rocks on this planet that have been estimated to be over 4 billion years old, the electrons on those rocks circle their nucleus and never stop for the last 4 billion years, if that's not infinite energy from the source, what is?

Where do we come from? We come from our source. We have tried endlessly to define and understand our source. Wars have been fought over disagreements about this source, yet life remains, ever growing, changing, evolving and living. Nothing exists outside of the source of all being. We are unchanging, eternal life force creative energy in motion.

When I learned how to tap into this awareness that life is inherently abundance and infinite, that knowing has had profound changes on my outlook and attitude towards all life. I have come to a place in my spirit where I am not in judgment of anything outside of me, because it is not in my control, and I do not want to control it. I am too busy admiring the infinite abundant energy that flows through my veins and animates my senses, connecting my spirit to all that is.

I want to try to explain to all that abundance is infinite. There is no scarcity in this universe, scarcity only exists as a state of mind we have continually taught each other. We are at a time in the development in our consciousness where we realize that thought creates. When we collectively realize this power, we naturally purge all negativity from our beings. Negativity is an energy that takes energy and uses it up, doesn't create or uplift, simply takes away without giving anything in return.

When we tap infinite abundance, we come from an understanding that I am able to give more and more of my positivity to all I encounter, and when I do that, I receive in return. I receive more love, more light, more abundance, more positivity, which is life affirming energy. Life builds, lifts up, evolves, creates, multiplies. There is no shortage of energy on this planet, or in the universe. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply changes form.

There has existed for a long epoch in human history a thoughtform that has polluted our minds. Scarcity. The desire to have more than another, at the expense of another creates scarcity and death. Turn it around 180, and you have life affirming energy, creation, abundance, happiness, health.


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